What has become clear since my truly transformative series of sessions with Ludmila is that many of us have key and traumatic moments in our past, possibly our early childhood, which exist within us frozen and rigid, because too much for us to deal with at the time. Although we don’t realise it these moments keep on acting in our current lives, causing problems, and preventing us becoming all that we might be. We assume it’s just our true selves, until we begin to feel something different…
Ludmila’s presence in therapy was truly caring and supportive, providing a safe space in which I immediately felt comfortable enough to discuss anything that was worrying me, or even sit with her in a warm connected silence that seemed truly healing.
I believe the two complementary aspects of the therapy Ludmila provided for me were truly powerful – firstly a free ranging discussion, where Ludmila’s almost magical empathy for my situation allowed her to clearly home in on the important areas, followed by a ‘tapping’ session in which amazingly I found myself time traveling to key times of my childhood, and either re-living the event, maybe in the way I had always wanted to, or putting my adult self in the service of the child back then, as a supportive or healing presence. Ludmila gently lead me through this process with great skill, seeming to know exactly when to push me a bit further, or bring me back on track if I lost the thread. What was striking about these experiences was how something felt fundamentally different afterwards, as if I really had lived it out in the way I always wanted to, or had that genuine support at the time. I was left feeling as if the power of those key childhood traumas had been defused, their frozen nature thawing and flowing away, leaving an exciting sense of possibility and freedom.
I believe Ludmila is a powerful catalyst for personal growth, and a truly warm and healing presence. The times I have spent with her have been some of the most creative, pleasurable, and interesting I can remember.
The funny thing is sometimes you only realise how blocked you’ve been when you begin to feel something different. So maybe if you have the slightest inkling that things aren’t quite right in your life, just have a couple of sessions with Ludmila .. You may find your life opening up and transforming in quite remarkable ways!